Friday, May 21, 2010

Is My Son Gay? and If So its Ok!!

I read this article recently that was addressing parents who are concerned with their children's sexual orientation. It focused mainly on boy children, I quote "He likes the color pink, he enjoys playing with dolls and walking around in my heels" says his mother. In all honesty this would be of great concern to me if I were the parent, BUT according to the article this is not proof that your son will be homosexual, this applies for little girls also. There are plenty of young girls that preferr to play football or basketball rather than play dress up or house. According to the doctor in the article there is no real way to determine. It is something that parents have to watch play out. In my opinion it is important to allow children to express who they are without making them feel quilty or ashamed. As a parent you should guide their behaviors to some degree by engaging them in activities that are gender "appropriate", for example allowing your son to play sports, enrolling your daughters in dance lessons. Again based on the scientific research there is no way to guarantee your child's sexual preference. I know there will be many that disagree with me on this topic also... but I will say this, personally I do believe it is possible for a child boy or girl to be born homosexual, just the same way children are born heterosexual. I think it is a terrible misconception that all gay or lesbian people chose to be that day they woke up and decided they were not attracted to the opposite sex anymore.... BS!!!! I am sure there are men and women out there that may have made a concious decision to become gay, but I am more certain this is not the case for the majority. How I know.. you ask? I know because around the age 12 I met a classmate of mine. He and I became fast friends. As you know around this age young boys and girls are going through the early phases of puberty, they are growing hair in new places, little boys are loosing their high pitch squeeky voices, girls are growing little buds where not to long before there was a flat chest, and "Jimmy" is starting to realize there is something about "Samantha" that he likes and vice versa. But this particular young man who I will referr to as "Robert" realized that he was not attracted to "Samantha" in fact he actually liked "Jimmy" more. The other school children began to question "Robert" why did'nt he have a girlfriend like the other boys...Why did'nt he play sports..and why were all his friends girls. "Robert" knew he was different and was scared to tell his peers or worse his parents what his true inner feelings were... so he hid them...and by doing so he slipped into a deep dark the age of 13 he had been admitted into the hospital 4 times for attempted suicide....Finally around age 18 "Robert" came out and admitted what we had speculated all along.. He was GAY!! And not at all by choice...come on who would choose saddness, depression, rejection, humiliation etc.

Think About This: I am sure for most of you parents out there it is a scary thought that your child may not be exactly what you envision, but try and remain supportive and open minded. Some of my best friends in the world just so happen to be gay. Gay does not mean BAD!!!!
Focus more on your children not being violent causing tragedies like Columbine and Virginia Tech or selling drugs, committing robberies and etc. that is where your concern should truly lie!!!

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