Monday, May 17, 2010

The Other Chick!

I have to take a moment to speak on this particular subject.

First off I need to ask a question, why do we ( referring to women)
always get angry with the women our men choose to
"cheat" on us with?
I do know that this is the reality of most relationships where there has been infidelity. We tend to blame the woman.. Who is really to blame? Is it the OTHER women's fault or are the MEN to blame?
After all it is the MAN that made the commitment to you?
Look, I know in reality that you are not going to be pleased with the other woman, but how much is she really to blame?....maybe the man feels like he is lacking something and enjoys the company of someone else...instead of acting out in anger think the situation out. If you love your man and wanna keep him do what you need to in order to perserve your relationship.. ...but you wanna know the truth... the TRUTH is that men are always going to have a thirst for a physical relationship with other women.. IT'S THEIR NATURE...but that topic is for my next blog....The point is keep everything in their respective places as I mentioned in my blog "Cut It Out" trust that your man loves YOU and wants YOU... and his random occasional rendezvous are just him satisfying his natural urge... don't focus so much on the other chick or chicks.. focus on YOU AND HIM...I will say this.. It is important that your man do what he need to do in order to protect himself and you(Safe Sex)... so try to have open and honest dialogue. I know it sounds taboo but you may be surprised with the response and the bond that begins to form between you both...the bond that you may have believed was lost will begin to strengthen!!! I PROMISE!!

Think About This: Devout your energy and time to what is important focus on what you do want in your relationship and not on what you don't!!!


  1. trust that your man loves YOU and wants YOU... and his random occasional rendezvous are just him satisfying his natural urge... don't focus so much on the other chick or chicks.. focus on YOU AND HIM...

    Ummmh, I beg to differ cuz! This certainly does not apply to every man...or woman for that matter! Some men actually like being faithful to their woman. They choose to be happily committed. It's not about being "traditional" or following the boils down to the level of respect you have for yourself and your mate. Men will always face temptation & urges from other women, because we naturally outnumber them. But that doesn't make cheating okay. No man that truly loves & respects you will go out on "occasional rendevouzs" LOL. I used to think that "all men cheat...mentally or physically...its all the same...yadada." But I have learned that...such a mentality lowers your chances of attracting someone beyond your expectations. We've gotta be real with ourselves. Once you make it okay for your man to make it okay for him to disrespect you. Men & women who cheat make a conscientious choice to do so....and then they use the "natural theory" as an excuse. And we have become conditioned to accept it. PLEAZE! Not in my book. If we focused more on the sacredness, joys and goals of our relationships...we would feel less inclined to cheat...then make excuses for it. Honesty is hard to face. Once you establish a spiritual connection with someone, you'll be surprised at the heights you can reach together...try it before you knock it!!! Peace

  2. Please don't misunderstand me I am not telling anyone to settle for anything..I am simply addressing the fact that majority of women are in relationships with men where there has been some level of infidelity and they truly love their mate and want to work it out. Many times there are children involved homes that have been established yadda yadda yadda that fall apart because of this! I want to teach woman how to remain in control of their relationships not by being nagging and angry but by being smart and unpredictable you gain a power you could not begin to imagine....One might ask who I am to teach anything and what I would have to say is give my advice a try and then you decide.....I have never had a relationship where "cheating" was an issue and if it were he was sure to keep it under very tight wraps...... the key in this blog was the dialogue have an open dialogue dont be judgemental dont be angry listen to him come from a place of understanding tell him your expectations for example "I know that you are going to be attracted to other woman and it may become physical.......etc but this is what I expect from you ......yaddaa da daa da" I realize I am going have to continue this blog and go into more details...

  3. While you bring up some good points, i have to side with Nakia in that a man(or woman) who has respect etc for their partner will not succumb to such temptations. Yes we all have natural urges but by choosing to live within society, there are certain things that one "has" to give the urge to release sexual tension in other places other than with your significant other. Being IN A RELATIONSHIP is not something that just happens, its a choice. so when you choose to be in a relationship you should do whatever you can to respect your partner's wishes and decisions. If you want to be in an open relationship then choose a partner who will agree with that. But for me PERSONALLY, there is no excuse. we may be able to work through it because problems happen but that would even be on some occasional type ish...and by occasional i mean once...However, i do agree that open dialogue is VERY important...because most issues can be avoided if we just talk it out!
