Friday, April 9, 2010

Human Robots!!!

Ive been wanting to post something new on my wall for sometime now but was really struggling with what i should write about....and after much thought I came up with this....I hope the title is befitting...
Its so odd to me that people have allowed themselves to become soo conditioned...people do not act off of what is sincerely in their heart but rather they do what they feel they are supposed to and often times it leads to disaster and misery.....why pretend to be angry with him when you really wanna jump up and kiss him..why insist on making her the "bitch" just because she is the new woman in his life you never know she may truly be nice... and just because you are not together anymore does not mean that you have to become arch enemies....on the opposite end don't pretend to be pleased or content with something if your not!!

Think About This: There is no book that tells us how we are suppose to feel in every situation or circumstance that may take place in our lives, so be sincere and genuine with yourself, and its okay to feel what you feel...dont keep yourself in emotional prison by doing and saying what you think you are suppose to... it is truly a liberating feeling to feel what you want honestly!

Nardia Blake

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