Tuesday, March 23, 2010

French Martinis

I am in this restaurant sipping on my favorite drink..a French Martini, and across from me is one of my favorite people in the whole world...It's an indescribable feeling....to look at someone and know that you have a sincere friend in them NO ULTERIOR MOTIVES, NO HIDDEN AGENDAS, NO PRETENDING.....just simply sincerity..
each taste seems to get better than the one before..I realize that I love him too...like really really love him in a disgustingly mushy romantic novel kinda way...YUCK!!! I cant help it..trust me I've tried.. and I think I am okay with that now! I learned soo much about this connection over these cocktails they had soo much in common oddly...who would ever guess that you could compare a relationship to an alcoholic beverage.....lol
French Martinis are sweet they taste really good and when you least expect it they come behind ya and knock you off your feet...but inna good way lol... intoxicating that is just what this is INTOXICATING.......

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