Monday, April 12, 2010

This is Good News

I was watching Joyce Meyer once again.. and was compelled to write about this...

I began to compare the relationship between a parent and their child to the relationship between God and us and I started to remember back when I always felt conflicted, guilty and unworthy... like I was failing God and that God was displeased with me and I heard this...
When you have a child the first time they eat a spoonful of solid food you call every relative and friend to share the good news you keep pictures and memorabilia of every accomplishment from first steps, first Christmas to Easter, Thanksgiving and yadda yadda yadda and if they fall while taking their first steps or break the toy you bought them for their first christmas you don't get angry with them or disown them for it you forgive them pick them up so they can try again, you fix the toy or buy them a new one. This is exactly how we should think of our relationship with the Creator.
Think About This: Stop thinking God is always mad at you all the time because you are not perfect yet....just enjoy the ride and take it one day at a time

Nardia Blake

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