Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I am so grateful for who I am.....I am not always happy with my experiences and circumstances in life but I realized something that I really felt I had to share with you all... the 3 "elements" listed in the title of this blog are keys to change and success I encourage anyone who reads this to look up the definition for these 3 words and apply to their lives...

Think About This: Your life is your own...You can make it whatever you want to. Shit happens turn it into Fertilizer use determination, perseverance, and control the control part is very important to turn any situation into what you want to I have to remind myself of these things daily

Nardia Blake

Monday, April 19, 2010

Funny Memory...

I just so happened to "Think About This" 5 years ago when my sister was about 9 she asked me how many children did I want to have once I got older? I told her 2, she looked at me in complete disbelief and said, "Thats it!!!" I said, "yes thats it". I asked her in return how many children did she want to have? she told me "I want to have like 8" I couldn't believe her answer! I began to explain to her that children were a lot of responsibility and very very expensive...she then replied dryly "O I was gonna get help from the government" HAHAHA...poor thing she totally did not understand...
I thought this would be funny to share with you all....

Heart Break continued.....

Good Morning...well I know I have gone into this heart wrenching experience briefly last month in one of my post but I never really finished it..I am ready to complete it now...
Soooo my cousin's condition began to deteriorate and I made a personal decision to stop going to the hospital I had to.. physically,mentally, and emotionally I was drained!..... I am sure those of you who have read the last blog know that ultimately my cousin passed away and that was the beginning of a whole new kind of pain and emotional journey it was a roller coaster!!! Let me not forget to mention that a month prior to the passing of Tashari my grandfather passed affectionately called "Pops" and 2 months after the passing of Tashari my "Uncle Derv" passed in 4 months we laid 3 members of our family to rest. I guess I need not say that our world had been flipped upside down and shaken!!!.....How do you heal from this kind of tragedy? When do you start to feel better? Its soo hard for me to look at other young men that are our age..I get so angry as I watch them living their lives especially when they do so recklessly...I wanna slap them and ask them do they know how much pain they are going to leave their family and friends in?!!! Well moving forward as we are forced to do not by choice but just by the sheer make up of existence I am now looking for the light at the end of this horrifically looooooonnnnggg dark tunnel...and I think I may have found it! I think I may be approaching a time when I can make peace with all of this.....My mom has a friend who has a son who resembles my cousin soooooo much physically yes but in so many other ways his mannerisms his smile his love of music his choice in lifestyle and the list goes on and on....he is going through some changes right now and whadda you know he will be moving into my house this month and he will be living in my cousin's old room!!! I have mixed emotions naturally but I am praying that this will be the vindication of Tashari's untimely death maybe my cousin had to go soo that my family and I would be given this opportunity to aid in the rescue of this other young man. He was able to sit at a table with my family all around him and look into our faces especially that of my Aunt the mother of Tashari and see all of her pain and devastation and I am praying that maybe thru all of this something good could happen. A change for this young man for the BETTER....AMEN!

Think About This: Faith.. always have Faith and trust that something good could come out of the darkest hour..Look for it and Claim it!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Toe Love is Real Love!!

I now know with out an inkling of a doubt....I LOVE THAT MAN!!! You know with out a doubt that you love that man when you caress his peeling rough bunyon and corn ridden toes that smell like sharp cheddar cheese and can kiss him right after and still get that butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach...I really should have taken a picture..sorry babe that you have become the new victim of my blog lol ...No but the truth is they are not that bad..
Ooo and you know that it is some HARD CRACK FIEND OVER THE FENCE LOVE when you have a favorite toe not only do you have a favorite toe but you named it....Little
please dont ask!!

Love you babe!!!!! Hope this makes you smile!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

This is Good News

I was watching Joyce Meyer once again.. and was compelled to write about this...

I began to compare the relationship between a parent and their child to the relationship between God and us and I started to remember back when I always felt conflicted, guilty and unworthy... like I was failing God and that God was displeased with me and I heard this...
When you have a child the first time they eat a spoonful of solid food you call every relative and friend to share the good news you keep pictures and memorabilia of every accomplishment from first steps, first Christmas to Easter, Thanksgiving and yadda yadda yadda and if they fall while taking their first steps or break the toy you bought them for their first christmas you don't get angry with them or disown them for it you forgive them pick them up so they can try again, you fix the toy or buy them a new one. This is exactly how we should think of our relationship with the Creator.
Think About This: Stop thinking God is always mad at you all the time because you are not perfect yet....just enjoy the ride and take it one day at a time

Nardia Blake

Friday, April 9, 2010

Human Robots!!!

Ive been wanting to post something new on my wall for sometime now but was really struggling with what i should write about....and after much thought I came up with this....I hope the title is befitting...
Its so odd to me that people have allowed themselves to become soo conditioned...people do not act off of what is sincerely in their heart but rather they do what they feel they are supposed to and often times it leads to disaster and misery.....why pretend to be angry with him when you really wanna jump up and kiss him..why insist on making her the "bitch" just because she is the new woman in his life you never know she may truly be nice... and just because you are not together anymore does not mean that you have to become arch enemies....on the opposite end don't pretend to be pleased or content with something if your not!!

Think About This: There is no book that tells us how we are suppose to feel in every situation or circumstance that may take place in our lives, so be sincere and genuine with yourself, and its okay to feel what you feel...dont keep yourself in emotional prison by doing and saying what you think you are suppose to... it is truly a liberating feeling to feel what you want honestly!

Nardia Blake