Thursday, March 11, 2010

You Should Know

You should know...There is a very distinct difference between being BUSY and being Fruitful!!!

You Should Know....That 99% of the time that you are stressed its because of you and not just the circumstances of life
For Example: You invite a couple of people over for dinner lets say 3 people next thing you know that 3 people has turned into 28 and next thing you know you are stressed to the bone from cleaning, organizing, buying new china and by the time your guest get there you don't even like them the entire thrill has been drained and not only are you frazzled but everyone around you is also. Now what you should've done is think about wether or not you wanted people over in the first place and then simply do some light cleaning and throw some chicken, burgers, and hot dogs on the grill mix some lemonade and call it a day..I have realized thanks to the great Joyce Meyer that is the key to life SIMPLICITY!!

You Should Know...That "GOD" DOES NOT take sides "GOD" is the protector of the balance of don't be angry over the things that go wrong I know that many of us have been taught that if you worship "GOD" and are good your life will be blessed..I get it I know how frustrating it is to really be trying your best but to see no real difference between the things going on in your life and the atheist who lives next door...well here is the answer I came up with "GOD" doesn't cause or allow any of it. Good things and Bad things have to happen...People have to be born and people have to die....bad things must happen so we enjoy and appreciate the good that much more ..well thats all for now

Think About This: Remember Simplicity!! it truly unlocks one of the bolts on happiness..and if you would like to know "GOD" start looking within...and the good ol' statment "treat others the way you would like to be treated still stands" cliche or not

Nardia Blake

1 comment:

  1. Do I know you?

    I read your comment on my blog.
    I have my reasons for not saying anything to that couple in the restaurant...
    I do not believe it was a 'child called it' situation. If I knew of a family in a situation like that book I WOULD say something. One situation at a restaurant does not constitute me putting my nose and mouth in their business. Yes, it was offensive. Yes, it was annoying. Yes, it was not nice. But Yes, people are also crazy and I was not going to put MY Family in that situation in a public place. I do not trust people now days with CCW and such.
