Saturday, May 26, 2012

Morning Thought

This morning I woke up thinking "If there is something called predestiny or fate,how is it that prayers influence GOD's decisions?" I know this post is short. I wanted to share this because I'm so interested to hear what the responses would be. In my attempt to answer my own question I came up with this ---> Maybe, prayers evokes emotions of sympathy in GOD. Maybe in his unlimited LOVE he makes adjustments in our fate. Maybe. Think About This: It's evident in more ways than one that there is a force/entity greater than us. Wether you believe it to be God, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Kirshna, or simply the universe. It hears and responds to our deepest desires and the things we speak. I don't know the effect this has on our fate other than it may just be proving the notion that WE are in fact the authors of our destiny. Maybe GOD simply gives us what we "ask" for. We are the Authors and GOD is the publisher! P.S. I realize that I made up the word "predestiny" but I trust that all of you intelligent readers understood just what I meant. Lol

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