Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our Connection to God.

Wow.. Its been forever the usual. It seems like the lapse in time between my posts are getting longer and longer. I feel like writing today.

I am very fortunate to have a family member named Aunt Vernita. She is not a very vocal person in my life. However, she manages to be a quiet force from a distance. I appreciate so much this small gesture from her more than I think she knows. Almost every morning I wake up to an email from Aunt Vernita faithfully titled "daily reflections" I try my best to read them everyday but I fail sometimes. Too overwhelmed with pointless life stresses. Any way I caught it this morning and after the first few sentences I was so inspired. The verse is taken from Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed , and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
WOW! That is powerful for so many reasons.
Here the bible is clearly telling us that we hold an immense amount of power within ourselves.
We are able to conquer anything, accomplish anything, just by speaking it and doubting NOTHING... It is so important to be mindful and cautious of the words we say. Once they come out of your mouth you cannot really retract them. They are forever stored in universal memory. Speak positivity think positivity...focus on the things you really want out of life and watch them come to you. It's a phenom. Our Creator has done us such a justice by giving us the ability to create with our thoughts and words. Choose your thoughts and words wisely, be wise about what you choose to call into existence.

Think About This: How much easier would your life be; if you could just say something and then do nothing more than simply wait for it to happen? TRUSTING that the MASTER heard you and is working it all out in your favor. Sounds to me like there is no better way to live. Selah

1 comment:

  1. The reason I blog is to help others see what I see, you never know who you will affect by what you write. well this morning this is exactly what I needed to read thanks cuzzp keep it up and follow my blog
