Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NYC Earthquake

Everyone knows that earthquakes are not common in the northeast at all!... While working in Las Vegas I was shocked to receive a message from my Mom back in New York that an earthquake had just occurred... I was certain she had to be mistaken. It was odd because the day before I was talking with my cab driver and he was telling me how strange the weather had been in Nevada as well. He explained to me that it had already rained four times for the year and that was unheard of for a desert location.... I listened as people went on about all their theories of government nuclear testing and weather manipulation by corporate government contracted companies yadda yadda yadda...I had enough! I emersed myself into my own private thoughts and tuned out the pointless banter.
I remembered reading the book of Revelation in the bible and it explaining clearly all the things we will witness as the coming of the Son of God approached. Wars and rumors of wars, the seasons will be all mixed up like snow in South California, rain in the Nevada desert, earthquakes in New York and the list could go on and on....
We must get ourselves spiritually prepared, I'm surely gonna try!

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