Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Forgiveness VS Stupidity

A friend of mine came to visit to me today and as girlfriends do, we started to talk about what was going on in our lives, sharing new experiences and catching up. Like always the conversation quickly turned to relationships and the DRAMA that can come along with it...After a lengthy conversation with her I started to ponder on how we as women tend to allow MEN to do some pretty horrible things to us...I realized that I too have been guilty of this very same thing...WHY? I HAVE NOT COME UP WITH AN ANSWER FOR THAT ONE YET!!.....moving on..

FORGIVENESS is one thing and STUPIDITY is her sister they are very close and it is easy to get those lines crossed. It is okay and very necessary to FORGIVE especially our significant other but we have to be very mindful to not be STUPID!!! If he keeps doing the same thing OVER AND OVER then that is just what he is and you have to accept that and move on if whatever his behavior is makes you unhappy (this applies to MEN also) Women subject themselves to more physical, mental and emotional abuse than men...we forgive and forgive and forget and keep going back for more...SEE for me that is when it turns from FORGIVENESS TO STUPIDITY...then I ask you WOMEN who can we really blame when we are all damaged and broken.....the answer to that is.. NO ONE BUT OURSELVES

Think About This: Love YOURSELF more!!! Love yourself to the point were you are unable to tolerate anyone's abuse or mistreatment on any mindful to not allow your forgiveness to turn into stupidity.....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Disobedient Prophet

There was lesson brought to me early this morning....It was such a profound lesson that I felt a dire need to share it. It comes from the Bible and is found in 1 Kings Chapter 13.... DISOBEDIENCE is one of man's greatest pitfalls and almost guarantees our DEMISE!!! I encourage all of you who may read this to go ahead and read the parable for yourself...I will paraphrase for those of you who may not have access to a bible at the moment. There was a Man anointed and blessed by God, this man of god was sent on a mission, he was to deliver a message to a King, the message was not pleasant to the King's ears so he stretched out his hand and ordered that the man of god be arrested. The moment he did so his hand withered. The King was terrified and ask the man of god to pray for him, he did and the King's hand was restored. Some onlookers witnessed what the man of god had done and ran to tell the old prophet what they had witnessed immediately, the old prophet went after the man of god and insisted that he must join him at his home for drink and feast and was told this by an angel and that he too was a prophet just like the man of god....The issue was that the man of god was given specific instructions by God that when he was done delivering the message to the King he should not stop any where for food or drink and to be sure to take a different route home than the one he had taken to get to his destination. The old prophet lied he was told no such thing by an angel. The man of god decided to go with the seemingly genuine man, after feasting the man of god went on his way and took the way he was instructed not to, possibly because it was more convenient and he was tired from his journey. Whatever the case may have been he was given very clear instructions.....well during his journey a great lion descended upon him and killed him leaving his body in the road....the story goes on a bit more....but what I learned from this is something vital to spiritual survival...It is important to be obedient to the almighty if we ignore our creator's divine instruction we leave ourselves vulnerable and susceptible to is important that we do not allow ourselves to be influenced by outside forces that tempt us to do anything other than what we have been instructed to. Initially one might think that God killed the man of god or caused him to die...but in fact God had done a great deal to prevent this man from falling into the grips of death.

Think About This: If you know that you have been given instructions by the spirit of the almighty you would be foolish not to listen. If God tells you dont go a step further i think it would be wise to listen. Dont move a inch further even if you think it is for something good wait for his instruction. Let the ALMIGHTY order your STEPS! You will always be fruitful.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Love Complex

It is NOT ODD for two people who love each other to argue, disagree, and get angry with each other! But I do wonder is it ODD when there is a cycle of ANGER and MAKING UP that takes place on a regular basis? My next question would have to be, what is a regular basis? For the sake of this article lets say monthly... Have you ever been so angry with the person you love the most that you felt you never wanted to see or speak to them ever again? enraged that you wanted to ball up your fist and punch them right in the!!! Your FURIOUS your HURT your even a bit SAD...and you tell him(or her) that your done, you want them to leave you alone!!!! You know that you mean storm through the front door and dont look back, you are completely convinced that this is it.. YOU ARE DONE!!!....... OR ARE YOU??? Within the hour your mind begins to slow down from the rage filled pacing and you suddenly have a burning urge to hear his voice, talk things through, tell him how angry he made you....but you DON'T want to be ANGRY anymore! You want nothing more than to kiss and make up, for him to tell you he is sorry...and put the whole mess behind you...This is what I wonder, what made you say you were done in the first place?...if thats obviously not what you truly felt. What is it that causes us to say and do things we dont mean to the people we LOVE?...Is it an unconscious test for our partner, an attempt on our behalf to discover how much they really care about us. This is one that has me STUMPED! Just a little food for thought.

Think About This: CHERISH the people you love, treat them with delicacy and compassion, even when your mindful of the things you say and do..there may come a day when you can't take it back or "fix it"! Think about how devastated you would feel especially if you knew the things you had said and done are not the way you really feel!