Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Forgiveness VS Stupidity

A friend of mine came to visit to me today and as girlfriends do, we started to talk about what was going on in our lives, sharing new experiences and catching up. Like always the conversation quickly turned to relationships and the DRAMA that can come along with it...After a lengthy conversation with her I started to ponder on how we as women tend to allow MEN to do some pretty horrible things to us...I realized that I too have been guilty of this very same thing...WHY? I HAVE NOT COME UP WITH AN ANSWER FOR THAT ONE YET!!.....moving on..

FORGIVENESS is one thing and STUPIDITY is her sister they are very close and it is easy to get those lines crossed. It is okay and very necessary to FORGIVE especially our significant other but we have to be very mindful to not be STUPID!!! If he keeps doing the same thing OVER AND OVER then that is just what he is and you have to accept that and move on if whatever his behavior is makes you unhappy (this applies to MEN also) Women subject themselves to more physical, mental and emotional abuse than men...we forgive and forgive and forget and keep going back for more...SEE for me that is when it turns from FORGIVENESS TO STUPIDITY...then I ask you WOMEN who can we really blame when we are all damaged and broken.....the answer to that is.. NO ONE BUT OURSELVES

Think About This: Love YOURSELF more!!! Love yourself to the point were you are unable to tolerate anyone's abuse or mistreatment on any mindful to not allow your forgiveness to turn into stupidity.....

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