Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why the bias?

Wow I havent written to you in soooo long!! But after tonight I just had so much to think on..
I sat and talked with my Uncle,Aunt, Cousins and friends for hours...we talked about a range of things, but suddenly I realized that we were on the topic of homosexuality; all the men in the room seemed to be in agreeance that "lesbianism" is ok while men being intimate with other men is completely unacceptable and frowned upon. My question is why?? Society has objectified Women so much; and while trying to preserve the prehistoric image of the male species being dominant they have created this biased ideology! The reasoning given to me was simply........well.......foolish! Is it not possible that the creator made us all different! DIFFERENT not only in ethnicity or linguistics, maybe we are also different in our sexual preference!
Diversity should be accepted in all aspects of our lives...

Think About This: Since the most popular argument people have against homosexuality is that homosexual couples are unable to reproduce so it must be wrong. Consider this The world is overpopulated now, imagine if every single person and or couple was able to reproduce. It would be a DISASTER! Maybe this is the way things were intended to be. I believe we are suppose to accept everyone for who they are and LOVE just the same... This was a my amalgamation of thoughts, forgive me if its unclear! BE BLESSED and you know what LAUGH it heals...