Thursday, December 9, 2010

Anarchy..not as sweet as it sounds!

I was utterly stumped..which is a rarity, because I am a person that always has something to say about something. For the first time I can remember all of my words and thoughts were caught in the bottom of my brain. This writing assignment was a difficult one for me, maybe it was because of the openess and loose guidelines. My thoughts began to wonder outside of writing the essay. After going back and forth in my mind for a while it occurred to me..BING!..there are all kinds of people with varying personalities right? I then began to think about what kind of person I was. Was I person that needed rules, regulations and guidelines?. Am I a person that struggles when options are left open to me? I always despised authority growing up and cant say I am much of a fan now but oddly enough this final essay made me appreciate guidelines, rules, and authority..this thing is kind of a "neccessary evil" if you will. There was a time when anarchy was the greatest concept known to man; in my opinion. WRONG!!
The acceptance of authority, guidelines and rules is a strange but peaceful transition.

Think About This: How chaotic and stressful would life be if we had to do nothing more than respond to our own animalistic desires and urges!! hummmmph

1 comment:

  1. "Think About This: How chaotic and stressful would life be if we had to do nothing more than respond to our own animalistic desires and urges!!"

    -- Even in Anarchy there is directin, even in chaos there is order- because humans are not animals, we are free-moral agents. We struggle and thrive, because of our conscience and moral compasses. When those become skewered... well.. thats when we "behave like animals" - but we still know we're doing it..
