Friday, November 19, 2010

I am HER..just HER

Broken hearts bleeding
wanting nothing more than to be repaired
Hopes and dreams fleeting pushed away in aborted strollers
Regret overwhelming
Dont you remember? Why cant you remember? how to treat your women with respect
Admire their intellect
It must have been something you learned on the slave ships of history
Dont do that to me!
Close your eyes and watch the scene play on your eyelids SLOW MOTION
Watch close...
as they ripped away semen stained panties they took our dignity from virgin waistlines and hips
Thats what it is RAPE nothing less than RAPE
Stripping me of my esteem
Breaking my dreams in tiny pieced smithereens
Everytime you disrespect me you rape me
Dont you know I would have done anything for you
I wanna learn like let me teach you like you teach me
like for always, always for, like I got you, you got me, like symmetry, like I need you...I want you
Its not my fault I am not the alcoholic father who left you or the niggas on the corner who punked you..I am not that one the one who abandoned you..I am not your wet dream figment of a lover.
I am your reflection, your antimatter, your nurturer,I am your fire, I am your calm, I am your strength.....and friend.
So the next time you move to disrespect...close your eyes and remember before you were a king you lived within a QUEEN!

1 comment:

  1. So I think I fell in love here:

    "Everytime you disrespect me you rape me
    Dont you know I would have done anything for you

    aaand then I said I need to know this girl here:

    "So the next time you move to disrespect...close your eyes and remember before you were a king you lived within a QUEEN!"

    Very nicely done... I felt the embodiment of the pain and bitterness, mixed with a little resentment, but firm determination nonetheless.
    Keep it up!
