Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Real Danger in Haiti

As we all know there has been MASSIVE catastrophe and destruction on the island of Haiti and though I do agree that we should be concerned with the safety and stability of the people, there is a major concern of mine that I feel has been overlooked.... CHOLERA! Its a disease that many people have never heard of but it is very real. The definition of Cholera is a disease of the intestinal tract particularly the small intestine which causes profuse diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration which eventually leads to kidney failure and DEATH...although Cholera has been controlled in modern countries such as the U.S due to its stable infrastructure and advanced sanitation systems we have to stop and pay attention to those countries outside of the United States that are not so fortunate... in this case Haiti!!! Cholera is passed through contaminated water and food normally due to unsanitary conditions caused by the improper disposal of waste such as feces. So with the situation in Haiti being what is, with these densely packed camps that have very limited resources I am concerned for the natives of Haiti....Yes I AM, but more so for my fellow country men that have ventured over to Haiti in an effort to help their dire situation. I am concerned that they may be coming back home with this infectious disease probally unbeknownst to them at first, and creating some sort of I understand if some of you reading this think what I am writing is far fetched and thats fine. I simply wanted to share my thoughts.
Do a little research for yourself I would be writing forever if I gave you every little detail on this matter ...
Think About This!!

Nardia Blake

1 comment:

  1. Good food for thought! There is just so much at risk when you are in a war-torn or catastrophic atmosphere...we have to demand more responsibility and accountability on the parts of American media....they spend far too much time dehumanizing the people of Haiti & focusing on corrupt politics, crime, and people "looting" instead of exposing the nature of those issues. A good friend of mine from Haiti told me that survivors of the quake are quickly dying off now because of heart attacks, hypertension and emotional shock...not to mention Cholera and the many other immuno-fighting diseases that our media fails to touch upon...we've gotta do better!!
