Saturday, May 26, 2012

Morning Thought

This morning I woke up thinking "If there is something called predestiny or fate,how is it that prayers influence GOD's decisions?" I know this post is short. I wanted to share this because I'm so interested to hear what the responses would be. In my attempt to answer my own question I came up with this ---> Maybe, prayers evokes emotions of sympathy in GOD. Maybe in his unlimited LOVE he makes adjustments in our fate. Maybe. Think About This: It's evident in more ways than one that there is a force/entity greater than us. Wether you believe it to be God, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Kirshna, or simply the universe. It hears and responds to our deepest desires and the things we speak. I don't know the effect this has on our fate other than it may just be proving the notion that WE are in fact the authors of our destiny. Maybe GOD simply gives us what we "ask" for. We are the Authors and GOD is the publisher! P.S. I realize that I made up the word "predestiny" but I trust that all of you intelligent readers understood just what I meant. Lol

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our Connection to God.

Wow.. Its been forever the usual. It seems like the lapse in time between my posts are getting longer and longer. I feel like writing today.

I am very fortunate to have a family member named Aunt Vernita. She is not a very vocal person in my life. However, she manages to be a quiet force from a distance. I appreciate so much this small gesture from her more than I think she knows. Almost every morning I wake up to an email from Aunt Vernita faithfully titled "daily reflections" I try my best to read them everyday but I fail sometimes. Too overwhelmed with pointless life stresses. Any way I caught it this morning and after the first few sentences I was so inspired. The verse is taken from Mark 11:23 "For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed , and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
WOW! That is powerful for so many reasons.
Here the bible is clearly telling us that we hold an immense amount of power within ourselves.
We are able to conquer anything, accomplish anything, just by speaking it and doubting NOTHING... It is so important to be mindful and cautious of the words we say. Once they come out of your mouth you cannot really retract them. They are forever stored in universal memory. Speak positivity think positivity...focus on the things you really want out of life and watch them come to you. It's a phenom. Our Creator has done us such a justice by giving us the ability to create with our thoughts and words. Choose your thoughts and words wisely, be wise about what you choose to call into existence.

Think About This: How much easier would your life be; if you could just say something and then do nothing more than simply wait for it to happen? TRUSTING that the MASTER heard you and is working it all out in your favor. Sounds to me like there is no better way to live. Selah

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Stupid in Love!

Its frustrating when loving someone leaves you feeling captive.
You endure pain, humiliation, sadness, and insecurity. One would have to ask, what makes you stay? Is loving someone suppose to come along with all this baggage? Is it worth it? Are you happy more often than you are sad? Do they give you what you need or just what you want? Vice Versa. Im not ashamed to say I'd rather take his bad with his good, rather than be without him.
I know "I'm Stupid and in Love" and Im ok with that for now!

Think About This: What feels good to you? How much are you willing to endure from the one you love? If you love someone but are not certain they feel the same way, should you stop loving them? Is the idea that LOVE should be an easy walk in the park a delusion?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Metro NYC

Its been forever since Ive written....
well Im still here kicking and fighting pushing forward. If you know me you know im ALWAYS in New York City. I spend hours in transit between the LIRR, taxi cabs and subways! Sorry I am very much against the NYC Bus, not judging anybody who rides the bus its just not for me. Anyway one day while I was on the F train leaving E. 42nd St.(Bryant Park Station has some cute cafe like spots), I realized that no one was looking at anybody else. It was strange! Every single person I observed had found an advertisement (they had to have read the same ad 12 times lol) or an empty spot on the floor to stare at. I assumed this was their way of avoiding eye contact with anyone else. So I decided to test it out. I picked a random girl on the train to take a direct look at. I held eye contact for approximately 4 and 1/2 seconds before she became fidgety and visibly uncomfortable. She was flustered her body language read "b#tc* what the f@ck are you looking at?" What if I just wanted to say hi? What if I wanted to compliment her on her shoes? or ask her for directions. Jeesh! This experience was the catalyst for a whole crap load of thoughts and questions. Why were the people of New York City so uncomfortable with each other? I have lived in other countries and I know for a fact this is not the norm in other places. People are friendly and comfortable with saying hello to a stranger. I wondered was it 9/11. Did New Yorkers change after that tragic day? Maybe the shock and devastation of September 11th has somehow created a silent fear and reservation in us all.
NYC is a tightly crammed city, everyone lives on top or underneath someone else. New Yorkers should be most comfortable with "people"... shouldn't they? Its sad we are all in this city banned together but are scared shitless of each other! Go figure.

Think About This:
Check out the scene for yourself the next time you are on a NYC train.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Concept of "Right"

I am learning so many life lessons...
What is right? What is wrong? Throughout our daily experiences we are faced with making the decision between what is the right thing to do versus the wrong. How do we determine right from wrong? What do we use to measure?
Here is a scenario:
Your boss is making a bad investment, you advise him of this and suggest that he pass on the opportunity, however if your boss does not take accept this business proposal your job will be cut from the budget (aka laid off).... Did you do the right thing by advising your boss of his bad investment?

Think About This:
I came to the conclusion that "right" is relative. What is good for the goose may not be good for the gander ( I think that fits lol). My answer to the question above is..... For the boss; the employee telling him about the bad investment was right. It was to his benefit. Unfortunately as a result the employee is now jobless. I recognize this topic gets sticky once you make a comment like that. Many will say that the employee will be rewarded later on if not right away. Perhaps that employer will remember his employee's loyalty and honesty and re-hire him/her, or keep a position available, etc. This optimistic mentality will cause one to believe it wall all worth it and will work out in the end. I guess one could think of it either way. But has been revealed to me most of all is the reason we have been commanded not to judge any other man. That is the Almighty's duty! As humans we are not equipped to determine certain things exactly and fairly. The human mind is like a double sided mirror. Simply leave certain things to God!

Friday, August 26, 2011

So you think you are a Christian?

*scratching my head* You think you are a christian because you go to church every weekend, because you sing on the choir, or because you pray... hum..but you judge me, you think im no good, you gossip, you lie for no reason, you're so high on your "christian horse" that you forget to look down every once and a while and see if someone has gotten mangled in your steed's feet..Yes I sin! I dance I party and Ive done more than kiss a boy..but I got love, forgiveness, sincerity, and im in touch with my humanity..come out from your pews, put down your nose and help me..As much as you are ashamed.. Im still your sister!

-Anonymously Me

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NYC Earthquake

Everyone knows that earthquakes are not common in the northeast at all!... While working in Las Vegas I was shocked to receive a message from my Mom back in New York that an earthquake had just occurred... I was certain she had to be mistaken. It was odd because the day before I was talking with my cab driver and he was telling me how strange the weather had been in Nevada as well. He explained to me that it had already rained four times for the year and that was unheard of for a desert location.... I listened as people went on about all their theories of government nuclear testing and weather manipulation by corporate government contracted companies yadda yadda yadda...I had enough! I emersed myself into my own private thoughts and tuned out the pointless banter.
I remembered reading the book of Revelation in the bible and it explaining clearly all the things we will witness as the coming of the Son of God approached. Wars and rumors of wars, the seasons will be all mixed up like snow in South California, rain in the Nevada desert, earthquakes in New York and the list could go on and on....
We must get ourselves spiritually prepared, I'm surely gonna try!