Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Concept of "Right"

I am learning so many life lessons...
What is right? What is wrong? Throughout our daily experiences we are faced with making the decision between what is the right thing to do versus the wrong. How do we determine right from wrong? What do we use to measure?
Here is a scenario:
Your boss is making a bad investment, you advise him of this and suggest that he pass on the opportunity, however if your boss does not take accept this business proposal your job will be cut from the budget (aka laid off).... Did you do the right thing by advising your boss of his bad investment?

Think About This:
I came to the conclusion that "right" is relative. What is good for the goose may not be good for the gander ( I think that fits lol). My answer to the question above is..... For the boss; the employee telling him about the bad investment was right. It was to his benefit. Unfortunately as a result the employee is now jobless. I recognize this topic gets sticky once you make a comment like that. Many will say that the employee will be rewarded later on if not right away. Perhaps that employer will remember his employee's loyalty and honesty and re-hire him/her, or keep a position available, etc. This optimistic mentality will cause one to believe it wall all worth it and will work out in the end. I guess one could think of it either way. But has been revealed to me most of all is the reason we have been commanded not to judge any other man. That is the Almighty's duty! As humans we are not equipped to determine certain things exactly and fairly. The human mind is like a double sided mirror. Simply leave certain things to God!