Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chasing........ 'The American Dream'

Chasing this 'American Dream'!!!
I have been so amazingly blessed sooo much has happened both bad and good.
Losing love, facing overwhelming sadness only to find something even better a strong man of God that loves me unconditionally.... HAPPY AS EVER! I am watching my ideas grow and flourish! I remember when Beryl & Blake Management was just an idea...I remember when a couture shirt line was just an idea and now they are tangible!! WOW who would've known this could happen for me..little ol' me, I remember being told as a child that I could do anything I put my mind to and now I know its TRUE!! I am living proof that you can do whatever your heart desires! I entrust everything I do with the creator and ask him to guide me! The point of this was to remind you to go after the things your heart desires!!! GO FOR THE GUSTO... why not you? There is no reason why you cant have all you desire and more. IT WONT BE EASY..but its soo worth it! GRATIFYING..

Think About This: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths! If God is leading you, you CANNOT fail..GO FOR IT