Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Dont you get it!! This is what she wanted.. the noose around your neck gets tighter..
You cant think straight because of the lack of oxygen to your head.. but try, try to see things clear, hold on to the image that you truly love and hold so dear..I know it must SUCK
You thought you had it all!! The ones you loved, the ones you cared for.. and everything was sweet..but didnt you see it was only a matter of time before it all exploded...You want to blame me which is so unfair..but I find comfort in knowing that one day you are going to wake up and realize all that ive been trying to say today...Im devastated you let it have soo much control..what would I do?..you ask..I would sacrafice, step up and lose my fear gain some courage and take only what makes me happy, makes me smile and loves me unconditionally..maybe this is all to much to ask of a simple man...I get angry and think yo myself I AM FILET MIGNON..I am the prime cut I have options, I dont have to deal with your issues and allow them to make me miserable for even a moment, but then you remember its all cause of that bullshit called "love" you remember how many days and nights you sacrificed your feelings, swallowed the foul words and choked on your tears...only to be told IT DOES NOT MATTER...I am strong and I am confident that I will eventually move on....but YOU, POOR YOU..this will be your nightmare FOREVER as long as I am here or not...I am sorry that you are stuck and dont even know it..Its ashame you are forced to reject the one you want by outside sources....NO WORDS BUT ALL THE WORDS

Think About This: Never sacrafice your happiness for anyone NOT EVEN FOR ONE SECOND..IT WILL NEVER BE WORTH IT..PROMISE