Friday, July 16, 2010

Just Maybe!!

Its been so long since I have written anything on my blog.....well there has been alot that has taken place since my last entry...but the most interesting of them all was this new theory I came up with while researching this very interesting topic called any person that believes they truly know me.. knows that I am a complete bookworm and science while researching this very perplexed subject, I came to the conclusion that every single thing in life has an opposite...absolutely everything for example there is man and there is woman, there has to be both negative and positive sides to a battery in order for it to work, there is birth and there is death, and through this realization I came up with my own hypothesis as to what causes DEJA VUE...deja vue is a french phrase translated in english meaning "already seen" maybe just maybe there is some sort of opposite to the universe entirely.. like a mirror every once in a while we pick up the reverb or reflection of situations we have already seen or experienced....quite interesting in my opinion..

Think About This!
Who is your opposite..wink